Mnr Namba Assistent Direkteur Bosbou, en Me Gugushe, Adjunk Direkteur Bosbou het Frankfort besoek om met BBV-verteenwoordigers van die streek te vergader. Die doel van die vergadering was om kommunikasie te verbeter en om nakoming van regulasies te bespreek. Alle partye beskou die vergadering as suksesvol en positief.
Die veradering was by MBF se kantoor gehou.
Agter: Mnr Namba, Assistent Direkteur Bosbou; Flip Fourie, BBV Villiers en Stefan Kruger, BBV Cornelia.
Voor: Mev Gugushe, Adjunkdirekteur Bosbou en Maryke Kruger, BBV Cornelia.
Mr Namba Asssistant Director Forestry, and Mrs Gugushe, Deputy Director Forestry visited Frankfort to meet with FPA representatives of the region. The purpose of the meeting was to improve communication and discussing compliancy. All parties consider the meeting to be successful and positive.
The meeting took place at the offices of MBF.
Back: Mr Namba, Asssistant Director Forestry; Flip Fourie, FPA Villiers and Stefan Kruger, FPA Cornelia.
Front: Mrs Gugushe, Deputy Director Forestry and Maryke Kruger, FPA Cornelia.
#mafubebusinessforum #mafubebesigheidsforum #mafube #fire #vuur Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment