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Geen munisipale dienslewering – wat is my regte? / No municipal service delivery - what are my rights?

Writer's picture: MBFMBF

Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika bepaal dat munisipaliteite (plaaslike regering) onder meer moet verseker dat dienste op 'n volhoubare grondslag aan gemeenskappe verskaf word.

• Kan munisipaliteite aandring op betaling van munisipale rekeninge as dienste nie gelewer word nie?

• Wat dan gedoen as munisipaliteite nie dienste verrig soos hulle grondwetlik verplig is nie?

• Watter stappe kan geneem word waar dienslewering gebrekkig is?

Dit is maar ‘n paar vrae wat verbruikers het. Die eerste vraag kan maklik beantwoord word: “Nee.” Hoofregter Zondo het met sy uitspraak in die Rademann-saak dit duidelik gestel dat ‘n munisipaliteit nie die reg het op betaling waar dienste nie gelewer is nie. Daar is egter stappe wat geneem moet word deur geaffekteerde partye, wat dan die ander vrae ook sal aanspreek.

Toegang tot wetgewing en kommunikasie

Plaaslike regeringswetgewing in ons land is goed geskryf en progressief, maar omdat die wette wat op munisipaliteite betrekking het, nie geredelik toeganklik is nie en dikwels moeilik is om te interpreteer, is die gemeenskap nie so ingelig soos hulle behoort te wees nie. Gevolglik is min verbruikers heeltemal bewus van hul regte, voorregte en verantwoordelikhede as burgers. Wanfunksionele munisipaliteite, soos MPM, met boonop swak kommunikasie, vererger die situasie.

Inligtingsgids is beskikbaar

Om die publiek te help met advies oor hoe om bogenoemde uitdagings te hanteer, het Mafube Besigheidsforum (MBF) 'n volledige inligtingsgids beskikbaar gestel. Die regte besluite en korrekte optrede word volledig verduidelik en uiteengesit. Ons kyk ook na watter rol gewone burgers kan speel – nie net om aanspreeklikheid te verseker nie, maar ook om munisipaliteite te help besluit watter dienste om te verskaf en hoe dit verskaf sal word. Die items van belang met betrekking tot munisipale dienste en rekeninge, en die verklaring van dispute word uitgelig, met maklik-om-te-volg stappe om te neem vir elke gebeurlikheid.

Rapporteer foute

Ons wil graag ook herinner oor die belangrikheid daarvan om foute en probleme te rapporteer deur hierdie te volg: 

Die MBF “Gids tot Dispuutverklaring” kan verkry word deur die MBF kantore te besoek, deur 'n e-pos aan te stuur na of ‘n WhatsApp boodskap na 079 145 4295 Dit kan ook by die MBF-webwerf afgelaai word (


[Eng] The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa states that municipalities (local government) must, among other things, ensure that services are provided to communities on a sustainable basis.

• Can municipalities insist on payment of municipal bills if services are not delivered?

• What then is done if municipalities do not perform services as they are constitutionally obliged?

• What steps can be taken where service delivery is deficient?

These are just a few questions that consumers have. The first question can be easily answered: "No." With his judgment in the Rademann case, Chief Justice Zondo made it clear that a municipality does not have the right to payment where services have not been provided. However, there are steps to be taken by affected parties, which will then address the other questions as well.

Access to legislation and communication

Local government legislation in our country is well written and progressive, but because the laws pertaining to municipalities are not readily accessible and often difficult to interpret, the community is not as informed as they should be. As a result, few consumers are fully aware of their rights, privileges and responsibilities as citizens. Dysfunctional municipalities, such as MPM, with poor communication on top of that, worsen the situation.

Information guide is available

To assist the public with advice on how to deal with the above challenges, Mafube Business Forum (MBF) has made available a comprehensive information guide. The right decisions and correct actions are fully explained and detailed. We are also looking at what role ordinary citizens can play – not only to ensure accountability, but also to help municipalities decide which services to provide and how they will be provided. The items of interest relating to municipal services and accounts, and the declaration of disputes are highlighted, with easy-to-follow steps to take for each eventuality.

Report issues

We would also like to remind about the importance of reporting errors and problems by following this: 

The MBF “Guide to Dispute Statement” can be obtained by visiting the MBF offices, by sending an email to or a WhatsApp message to 079 145 4295 It can also be downloaded from the MBF website become (

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