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Mafube in die Parlement bespreek / Mafube discussed in Parliament

Writer's picture: MBFMBF

Na aanleiding van 'n vraag in die Parlement het die Minister van die Departement van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake (CoGTA) in 'n verslag gereageer, wat aandui dat daar tans 66 munisipaliteite is wat geklassifiseer is as “munisipaliteite in nood” ingevolge die Staat van Plaaslike Regering-verslag (SoLG) wat goedgekeur is deur Kabinet. Sien:

Dit kom as geen verrassing dat Mafube Plaaslike Munisipaliteit (MLM) onder dié en een van slegs twee munisipaliteite tel onder verpligte provinsiale ingryping ingevolge subartikel 139(5) nie.

Ondanks die ingryping, na 'n hooggeregshofbevel wat Mafube Besigheidsforum (MBF) op 28 April 2022 verkry het, misluk Mafube soos ander disfunksionele munisipaliteite steeds in al die pilare van volhoubaarheid, naamlik:

• politieke onstabiliteit en binnegevegte;

• gebrek aan toesig deur 'n ondoeltreffende raad;

• onbefondsde begroting en onvermoë om 'n verpligte finansiële herstelplan te implementeer;

• gebrekkige of onvoldoende toewysing van herstel- en instandhoudingsbegrotings;

• gebruik van toelaes vir bedryfsuitgawes wat lei tot toenemende behoeftigheid;

• wanadministrasie en swak beplanning wat lei tot gebrek aan betaling van dienste wat lei tot lae inkomste-invordering.

Die Stand van Plaaslike Regering-verslag sal gedurende Oktober 2024 aan die Kabinet voorgelê word.

MBF het namens die gemeenskap weer die Bloemfonteinse Hooggeregshof genader om te pleit vir verdere ingryping en gevolge vir diegene wat aanspreeklik gehou word vir die versuim om aan die hooggeregshofbevele van 2021 en 2022 te voldoen.

Dié saak word op 11 Oktober aangehoor.

MBF nooi inwoners, sake-eienaars en belastingbetalers uit om ons kantore by Kerkstraat 18A, Frankfort op Maandae tot Donderdae van 08h30 tot 16h00 en Vrydae 08h30 tot 12h00 te besoek. Bel of stuur 'n WhatsApp-boodskap aan Marina by 079 145 4295. Besoek ons webwerf en volg ons op Facebook.


[Eng] Following a question in Parliament, the Minister of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) responded in a report, indicating that there are currently 66 municipalities classified as distressed municipalities in terms of the State of Local Government Report (SoLG) approved by Cabinet. See:

It comes as no surprise that Mafube Local Municipality (MLM) count among those and one of only two municipalities under mandatory provincial intervention in terms of subsection139(5).

Despite the intervention, subsequent to a High Court order obtained by Mafube Business Forum (MBF) on 28 April 2022, Mafube like other dysfunctional municipalities continue to fail all the pillars of sustainability namely:

• political instability and infighting;

• lack of oversight by an ineffective council;

• unfunded budget and inability to implement a mandatory Financial Recovery Plan;

• lack or inadequate allocation of repairs and maintenance budgets;

• usage of grants for operational expenses leading to increasing indigency;

• maladministration and poor planning leading to lack of payment of services resulting in low revenue collection.

The State of Local Government Report will be presented to Cabinet during October 2024.

MBF, on behalf of the community, again approached the Bloemfontein High Court to plead for further intervention and consequences for those held accountable for the failure to comply with the High Court orders of 2021 and 2022. This case will be heard on 11 October.

Visit our offices at 18A Church Street, Frankfort on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays 08h30 to 12h00. Call or send a WhatsApp message to Marina on 079 145 4295. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook.



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