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Writer's picture: MBFMBF

The municipality is now issuing letters to business owners in particular, in which it is claimed that their disputes have been dealt with. This is done by simply deducting 40% from the amount owed. It is then insisted that the amount unilaterally calculated by MLM is payable within 3 days. Rubbish removal is written off but only for the period between 2018 and 2020.

It seems as if very selective work is being done, as if the aim is to collect as much money as possible and as soon as possible with a view to salaries at the end of the month.

The above shows that the issues in disputes are not really considered and dealt with on merit. At the current rate of work at MPM, it will take years to resolve all the disputes.

What should happen:

If you have declared a dispute, an MLM must be given the opportunity to raise their grievances and also to be able to provide evidence about the origin of the dispute and which figures are disputed. According to the policy document of MPM, it must be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties within 3 months from the receipt of the dispute. Consumers have the right to insist on representation, which MBF can assist you with.

Steps to follow: 1. Be calm and polite. 2. Do not make any statements that can be used against you later. 3. Only acknowledge receipt, if you receive correspondence in this regard by hand, 4. Do not make any commitments. 5. Insist on a complete account statement. 6. Contact MBF as soon as possible. 7. MBF will then assist you in writing and/or to file a new dispute if this is necessary. 8. MBF will also assist you with further negotiations with MPM and may also, where deemed necessary, take further legal action against MPM.

MBF invite residents, business owners and ratepayers to visit our offices at 18A Kerk Street, Frankfort on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays 08h30 to 12h00. Call or send a WhatsApp message to Marina at 079 145 4295. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook.


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