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Writer's picture: MBFMBF

Mafube Besigheidsforum (MBF) het op uitnodiging van Sakeliga hul jaarlikse “Bosberaad” bygewoon wat op 23 en 24 Oktober by die Pretoria Buiteklub gehou was. Die beraad het geleenthede gebied vir sakekamers van regoor Suid-Afrika om te netwerk en ondervindinge te deel. Gesprekke het meestal plaasgevind rondom munisipale verval en voorstelle oor hoe om dit aan te spreek. Die gemeenskaplike kennis wat opgebou is oor etlike jare is vervat in ‘n reeks bundels met handleidings wat aan Sakeliga se lede beskikbaar is na afloop van die beraad. Die doel hiervan is meervuldig van aard en dek onder andere:-

  • ’n oorsigtelike agtergrond samestelling van ’n plaaslike munisipaliteit te verskaf;

  • die noodsaaklikheid om die verbruikers, inwoners, besigheidseienaars, plaaslike sakekamers en gemeenskap- en industriële organisasies ingelig te hou rakende hulle regte om dispute en besware in terme van verskeie munisipale wetgewings in te dien;

  • om onderskeid te tref rakende die verskil tussen ‘n “dispuut” in terme van artikel 102 van die Munisipale Sisteme wet en ‘n “beswaar” in terme van die Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting wet;

  • om die verbruikers, inwoners, besigheidseienaars, plaaslike sakekamers en gemeenskap- en industriële organisasies te verduidelik watter stappe en bewyse nodig is vir die onderskeie “dispuut” en “beswaar” prosesse;

  • om deur ondersteuning en deelname aan plaaslike sakekamers en gemeenskap- en industriële organisasies ’n sterk alternatiewe oplossing te bied, en te vestig, met betrekking tot plaaslike munisipale verval;

  • opsommende verduideliking te verskaf tussen die verskil van grondbesetting en grondbetreding;

  • voorsiening van ‘n voorgestelde Sakeliga Sakekamer Grondbesetting Voorkoming strategie

Erkenning was gegee aan MBF vir die beskikbaarstelling van die “MFB Gids tot Dispuutverklaring” wat die basis vorm van ‘n nuwe uitgebreide handleiding wat nasionaal toegepas kan word waar munisipaliteite nie hul verpligtinge nakom nie. Dit bevestig weereens die wettige optrede van MBF se lede in hierdie verband, en die waarde daarvan om druk te plaas op die munisipaliteit om dienslewering aan die gemeenskap te verbeter.

Die MBF Gids tot Dispuutverklaring word kosteloos aan inwoners, besigheidseienaars en belastingbetalers verskaf.

MBF nooi u uit om ons kantore by Kerkstraat 18A, Frankfort op Maandae tot Donderdae van 08h30 tot 16h00 en Vrydae 08h30 tot 12h00 te besoek. Bel of stuur 'n WhatsApp-boodskap aan Marina by 079 145 4295. Besoek ons webwerf en volg ons op Facebook.


At the invitation of Sakeliga, Mafube Business Forum (MBF) attended their annual "Bosberaad" which was held on 23 and 24 October at the Pretoria Country Club. The summit provided opportunities for chambers of commerce from across South Africa to network and share experiences. Discussions mostly took place around municipal decay and proposals on how to address it. The common knowledge that has been built up over several years is contained in a series of bundles with manuals that are available to Sakeliga's members after the summit. The purpose of this is multiple in nature and covers among others:-

  • provide an overview background composition of a local municipality;

  • the essentials to keep consumers, residents, business owners, local chambers of commerce and community and industry organisations informed regarding their rights to submit disputes and objections in terms of various municipal legislation;

  • to distinguish between a "dispute" in terms of section 102 of the Municipal Systems Act and an "objection" in terms of the Municipal Property Rates Act;

  • to explain to consumers, residents, business owners, local chambers of commerce and community and industry organisations which steps and evidence are required for the respective "dispute" and "objection" processes;

  • to offer and establish a strong alternative solution to local municipal decay through support and participation in local chambers of commerce and community and industry organisations;

  • provide a summary explanation between the difference between land occupation and land entry;

  • provision of a proposed Sakeliga Chamber of Commerce Land Occupation Prevention strategy

Recognition was given to MBF for making available the "MFB Guide to Dispute Declaration" which forms the basis of a new extensive manual that can be applied nationally where municipalities do not fulfill their obligations. This once again confirms the legal actions of MBF members in this regard, and the value of putting pressure on the municipality to improve service delivery to the community.

The MBF Guide to Dispute Statement is provided free of charge to residents, business owners and taxpayers. MBF invites you to visit our offices at 18A Kerkstraat, Frankfort on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays 08h30 to 12h00. Call or send a WhatsApp message to Marina on 079 145 4295. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook.

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