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Geagte MBF Lid en Besigheidseienaar

10 Desember 2024

Besigheidslisensies in Mafube

Dit het onder die aandag gekom van Mafube Besigheidsforum (MBF) dat amptenare van Mafube Munisipaliteit (MPM) plaaslike ondernemings nader en aandring daarop dat daar aansoek gedoen moet vir besigheidslisensies voor 13 Desember. Daar word ook aangedring op ‘n registrasiefooi van R100.00 wat nie terugbetaalbaar is nie.

MPM verwys as toepaslike wetgewing na die “Free State Integrated Business Support, Registration and Licensing Act” wat vroeër vanjaar in die provinsiale staatskoerant afgekondig is. MBF se bevinding is egter dat hierdie ordonansie nog nie implimenteerbaar is nie, omdat MPM nog nie as plaaslike lisensie-owerheid aangestel is nie en nie sodanig afgekondig is in die provinsiale staatskoerant nie. Tydens ‘n vergadering met die Munisipale Bestuurder Adv. Mothusi Lepheana verlede week en na ‘n skrywe aan hom om duidelikheid oor die kwessie te bekom, het Adv Lepheana onderneem om ‘n verklaring uit te reik.

Tot op hede is daar steeds geen antwoord van hom ontvang nie en MBF is geskok om te verneem dat die Raad van Mafube tydens ‘n geslote vergadering op Donderdag 5 Desember wederregtiglik die “Draft Standard Township Economy By-law” aanvaar het as ‘n munisipale ordonansie. Die Munisipale Stelselwet bepaal die proses waarvolgens munisipaliteite wetgewing mag uitreik, en weereens het MPM nie daaraan voldoen nie.

Gevolglik is daar steeds geen wetlike verpligting op besighede van die Mafube-gebied om te registreer nie, of om enige registrasie-, of lisensiefooi te betaal nie.

Indien daar enige vrae bestaan, is u welkom om met MBF te skakel, deur ons kantore by Kerkstraat 18A, Frankfort te besoek op Maandae tot Donderdae van 08h30 tot 16h00 en Vrydae 08h30 tot 12h00. Bel of stuur 'n WhatsApp-boodskap aan Marina by 079 145 4295. Besoek ons webwerf en volg ons op Facebook.

Die bestuur van MBF wens ons lede en Mafube-gemeenskap die beste toe vir die feesgety en ‘n voorspoedige 2025!

Jannie Schabort




Dear MBF Member and Business Owner

10th December 2024

Mafube Business Licences

It has come to the attention of Mafube Business Forum (MBF) that officials from Mafube Municipality (MLM) are approaching local businesses and insisting that business licenses be applied for before 13 December. A registration fee of R100.00 is also insisted upon which is non-refundable.

MLM refers as applicable legislation to the "Free State Integrated Business Support, Registration and Licensing Act" which was promulgated in the provincial gazette earlier this year. However, MBF's finding is that this ordinance is not yet implementable because MLM has not yet been appointed as a local licensing authority and has not been announced as such in a provincial gazette. During a meeting with the Municipal Manager Adv. Mothusi Lepheana last week and after writing to him to obtain clarity on the issue, Adv. Lepheana undertook to issue a statement.

To date no reply has been received from him and MBF are shocked to learn that during a closed meeting on Thursday 5 December the Council of Mafube unlawfully adopted the "Standard Draft By-law forTownship Economies" as a municipal by-law. The Municipal System Act sets out the process by which municipalities may issue legislation, but once again MPM did not comply.

Consequently, there is still no legal obligation on businesses from the Mafube area to register or to pay any registration- or license fee.

Should there be any questions regarding the above, MBF invite you to visit our offices at 18A Kerk Street, Frankfort on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays 08h30 to 12h00. Call or send a WhatsApp message to Marina at 079 145 4295. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook.

The management team of MBF wish you the best for the holiday season and a prosperous 2025!

Jannie Schabort


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