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Why vote for an independent candidate?

Writer: MBFMBF

In our media statement as published in the Frankfort Herald of 3 September, Mafube Business Forum (MBF) reiterates that as an apolitical organisation, our founding documents prevent us from getting involved in politics, but we will gladly work with anyone who shares our passion for our towns and region, and truly have the interests of our community at heart. It has come to light that a number of community members have come to the fore, who have indeed committed themselves to serving the community and to the same objectives as that of MBF; and have made themselves available to stand as independent candidates in the upcoming local government elections. We salute them.

These independents as recognised leaders in their communities, will be chosen by their communities and crucially, not aligned to, or part of any political party. This means they are chosen by the people and answerable only to the people – not to political party bosses and their funders. Political party representatives always have political ambitions, within provincial legislature and parliament, even within the parties; and residents' support and voice are not used by those representatives to bring about the change that we strive for, but rather as stepping stones to their personal political ladder to climb and promote themselves. Therefore, a vote for an independent candidate with no political ambition is a vote for the progress, growth and advancement of his/her town and community. Your vote for an independent candidate is your contract to that, and not a mere rung in someone’s ladder. MBF will assist residents and business owners to have their meters replaced. Visit our offices at 18A Church Street during our business hours, on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 12h30, and Fridays from 08h30 to 12h30 or contact Marina on WhatsApp at 079 145 4295. Or send an email to



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